Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introduction of Purpose

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.  Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.  To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others use your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

Hello fellow great minded people!!!!  I'm excited to meet you, share with you, network with you, learn from you, discuss and challenge ideas with you!  I have NO IDEA where this blog is going to go, but I am excited to see how it progresses.  I am currently living and teaching first and second grade at an International School in Taiwan and I am LOVING it!!!  This country is absolutely amazing in so many ways.  I am so incredibly happy to be here.  Before I came here, I lived and worked in Aomori, Japan for three years teaching English in three junior high schools through the JET Program.  Also an incredibly amazing experience.  Eastern culture, mentality and lifestyles are 180 degrees different than in the west and I am incredibly fortunate to be able to experience both.  I have lived and learned in so many ways over the past 4 years!  Some of these tales will be shared in this blog.  My plan is to continue having these amazing life experiences as long as I live. 
At this point in my life, not too many people know me.. I'm not too big of a deal.  However, over the next few years I plan to do whatever I can to change that...not for fame, just for passion.  This is the first step... having a central location to share my life, write my thoughts, state my goals and accomplishments, network with like-minded amazing individuals and get critical feedback on various aspirations.  As I've mentioned I am an educator, and education IS MY PASSION.  There is nothing else on this planet that gets my fire going the way education does.  I can guarantee that A LARGE portion of this blog will be dedicated to discussions on this topic.  However, as passionately as I feel about education, I feel equally passionate about completely reconstructing the current paradigm of our education system.  My dream is to not create another reform.... another band-aid on a broken system... but to take what currently exists and smash it to smithereens!!!  This has become my life ambition.  I am ready, willing and able to literally search the world over to find, share and promote success stories of alternative methods of education that result in equally...if not more so... successful results.  I am creating this blog so that others can follow, support, share, teach, encourage, laugh at, criticize, critique, see, understand, and participate in the struggles, perils, successes and accomplishments I am about to pursue.  Please feel free to offer your feedback, ideas, even criticism.... if something is not challenged, how can it grow?...on my posts.  I am always open to listening to new perspectives, new ideas, new approaches... especially from people who are passionate and knowledgeable about what they are pursuing in life.  I am excited to see where this blog goes, the people it will meet, the discussions it will have, the lessons it will teach  and the adventures it will share!