Monday, November 28, 2011

Mental Metamorphosis

As we sat there together, under the rainbowed sky of Rokkasho, Japan, in the ceramic studio, mixing clay together, a conversation was initiated that would alter my paradigm of life completely.  It began as a telling of tales, so to speak… of encounters, loves and circumstances of lives past.  It was the sort of conversation you could only have with someone you were connected to at the core of your being… a soul mate, so to speak.  These were topics usually left covered and buried deep within, rarely revealed to anyone, including ourselves.  First he went, sharing several stories of lost loves and the experiences connected with them.  Then, I went.  I began with a surface story, but as the conversation progressed, I began digging deeper and deeper, unveiling my stories of sadness and exposing the emotional scars that accompanied them.  None of this was easy or comfortable, but these were the types of conversations we had.

After several rounds of story telling, I sat there, waiting for his response.  I was feeling quite sad and at a loss.  These were topics I had not thought about for quite some time and discussing them conjured up feelings of sadness and self pity.  I pondered how so many things could happen to one person in such a short amount of time.  I turned to my friend, expecting a response of sympathy, if not empathy.  However, that is not at all what I got.  Instead the response he gave felt like a verbal blow that stung harder than any words could describe.

Instead of words of compassion and kindness, I got what I interpreted to be a lecture on personal responsibility. I was so taken aback and confused by this response. He was not in any way curt or malicious, disrespectful or judgmental… he was simply direct and what I now understand to be, honest.  However, in that moment, I could not see or understand it as such.  As I sat there in utter disbelief I became more and more irate!  My blood began to boil.  I could physically feel my body temperature rise and my heart rate quicken as a wave of angered adrenaline washed over me.  I had had a lot of experience defending myself at that point in my life, and I could feel the defense mechanisms taking place and a verbal eruption about to explode.  How dare he take my most vulnerable moment with him and turn it into a lecture of personal responsibility, as if the things that had happened to me were somehow MY fault!!! Words of hurt, anger and betrayal spewed from my lips as tears stung my eyes.

After listening to my angry rebuttal for quite some time he calmly said, “You’re not listening.”

Of course I was listening, I thought to myself… you’re telling me it’s MY fault these things happened.  What kind of fucked up shit is that to say???  “I did NOT do these things to myself, nor did I ask for them to happen… other people did them to me – I am the victim!  I have no control over the things that happened, therefore – I have NO RESPONSIBILITY!  Stop using that fucking word” I shouted.

“You’re not listening” he calmly repeated once again.

I needed a break, this was too much!  I sat in anger in the studio, continuing to mix and pour this ugly, gray concoction of clay into clunky plaster molds.  Somehow it was a perfect representation of my emotions at that moment.  Several hours and a bottle of wine later, we had not progressed much further in our conversation… him telling me I wasn’t listening and me being confused, angry and defensive.  Exhausted and emotionally drained we decided to call it a night.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain hitting the tin roof top.  A typical fall morning in Aomori, which suited my mood just fine!   As I sat up my body felt physically heavy and my head was spinning.  However, it was not at all related to the bottle of wine from the night before… this felt utterly foreign.  As I got up my thoughts started racing and reeling from the day before.  I was still hurt and confused.  I tried to go about my morning as normal, but I soon found myself crouched, sobbing uncontrollably on the bathroom floor.  What the hell is wrong with me??? I thought to myself.  I’ve got to get out of here – nothing is making sense.  I grabbed my coat and ran out the door.  I ran as fast and as far as I could.  My eyes competed with the drops of Mother Nature as the raindrops pelted my body harder and harder the faster I ran.  My lungs stung from the gasps of cold, wet air I was inhaling, but I didn’t care.  I had no destination, just an insatiable need to that’s what I did.

After what felt like hours, I finally stopped in the middle of a dirt road, surrounded by harvested rice fields.  As I stood there, gasping for breath, I finally felt ready to reexamine the conversation from the day before.  Knowing my friend as well as I did, I knew there was something I just wasn’t getting, but whatever that was really important, and I needed to “get it.”   I rewound our conversation in my head over and over again trying to interpret it this way and that way, but still it wasn’t making sense.  Then I realized I was still looking at it from the same perspective.  How can I look at this differently?  Suddenly, like a lingering dark cloud rolling past, revealing the glorious sunshine behind it...I got it!!!

I will never forget the feeling of indescribable joy that consumed my entire being and the instantaneous dissipation of what felt like a thousand pounds of dead weight fall from my chest, as I stood in the middle of that barren rice field, alone, completely drenched in rain, mud up to my knees, with tears and snot frozen to my face.  I felt as light as a feather and giddy with happiness as a true understanding of peace replaced the sadness.  That is when and where my Mental Metamorphosis began.  That epiphany of comprehension, that I have carried with me ever since, completely restructured my entire perspective and understanding of life.

The responsibility I had was not in the circumstances themselves, which is all I could hear in my friend’s words and what I was so hung up on the day before.  Obviously, I couldn’t control those particular life circumstances, no matter how hard I might have wanted to.  Life inevitably throws us curve balls…some points in our lives get hit harder than others, and some points are in more rapid succession.  This is part of life and my friend was not implying that I be held responsible for this.  Rather, my responsibility laid in my interpretation of the situations… how I chose to see them and what I chose to carry with me from them.  The paradigm I had constructed for myself at that point was one of woefulness and self pity.  A pity party for one, as I used to call it.  However, I had chosen, to carry the hurt, the sadness and the anger with me.  I honestly believed I had been “working through” these feelings during the several years prior, in my isolated fishing and farming village in rural Aomori.  I thought I was “getting better.”  I thought isolation and time to “process”, writing a journal, exploring new countries, and pushing myself to new challenges was the key to healing.  But apparently I was wrong!  While I am insanely glad I took that route as well, as it did push me to develop myself in new ways, it turned out all I really needed was a new way of looking at the same situation.

Fortunately, my incredibly wise and dear friend was able to guide me to this realization.  It turns out he WAS listening empatheticly and compassionately after all.  He could tell from our conversation that I had no understanding of this concept and he knew that as long as I was choosing to live in this paradigm, I would never “heal” or shed the pain I was holding on to so tightly.  However, this was a concept I had to realize and understand on my own, all he could do was repeat his words of wisdom and guidance until I could finally hear them.  He had led me to the water, it was up to me to drink.

As I practically skipped and floated back to my friend’s house, I revisited each of my negative situations and looked at them with this new insight.  Obviously these things were a part of me and I was never going to discard them completely, nor would I really want to.  Despite the negativeness of them, they still helped me grow and develop and become the person I was.  However, I realized that my responsibility was to glean the good from them, no matter how hard it was, and believe me... some of them were pretty hard!...and choose to carry that part with me instead.  This freedom finally allowed me to leave all the negativity behind! I could hold onto the memory without holding onto the pain.  

I went and talked to my friend with a new heart and a new attitude.
We talked again, for several hours, this time, in a much calmer tone.  I eventually asked him how he knew what to say to me?  He said that as I retold my stories I used negative and victimized language and it was through the use of these words he was able to assess my emotional state.  Having been down a similar road before, he knew I was never going to fully move past or process all my feelings until I understood my responsibility in them, and that they were feelings I had created.  Therefore, it was my responsibility  to understand how to view them differently.  No one could do that for me, I had to figure how to on my own.  Apparently, his response in the studio was not a lack of sympathy or empathy after all, but of compassion and a desire for me to see and understand this concept.  I left feeling rejuvenated and alive!

Since that day a joyful and peaceful energy continues to flow through me, which is the greatest gift in life I have discovered thus far.  I have truly grasped the importance of gleaning the good of every situation and the value of living each day to the fullest.  Since then I have discovered other authors who have written about this concept as well.  Some call it a paradigm shift, others a transformation of human consciousness, I refer to it as a mental metamorphosis.  No matter what you choose to call it, it is all the same… an understanding of responsibility in how we choose to live, see and interpret the world and what we choose to carry with us throughout it.    

I went to visit my friend again several weeks after that incredible day.  By then he had fired all the cups we had poured into molds and he was excited to show them to me.  He made me close my eyes as we walked into the studio.  When he finally let me open them I was left breathless!  There before me were hundreds of finely detailed, gorgeous, leaf shaped cups.  In the firing process they had transformed into the most beautiful, iridescently pure white, solid yet fragile, ceramic I had ever seen.  They were a masterpiece!  I had no idea I was a part of making something so beautiful and so special that day.  As I gently held one in my hand, I smiled... somehow it was a perfect representation of my emotions at that moment.    

Four Letter Word

"It takes courage to love, but pain through love is purifying fire which those who love generously know.  We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Four Letter Word
Love... such a small little word
It's kind of absurd...
The power these four letters hold. 
As vast and mighty as any mountain range
The emotion  this word provokes is the same
In hearts and minds of young and old
It's that fairy tale ending we've all been told. 
It's a longing, a yearning to be accepted
No longer left to feel rejected
The bitterness of life at times is confusing
A whirlwind of emotions that leaves us choosing
An alternative life, another location
A search for what is to be our final destination. 
Despite the fact that this word is the drive of human existence
There seems to be such an innate resistance
To allowing others to love us completely
Or getting to know us all too deeply. 
A flaw, a scar, a past memory or broken heart
Causes us to keep others an arms width apart
We are not deserving we lie to ourselves
Keeping our hearts locked away safe in a cell.
But these lies are just that and they need to be extinguished
So we can start understanding and begin to distinguish
A concept of love that is no longer taboo
But is able to flow freely between me and you. 
This idea needs to be spread both far and wide
With strangers abroad and those close to our side
A hug, a kiss, a kind gesture or smile
Makes living life so much more worthwhile.
So don't hide your heart or hold back any longer
Sharing this love will only make you stronger.

Bucket List of 100 Life Goals

100 Things to Do, See, Accomplish In My Life
Go BIG or go home, as they say.  I want to constantly push myself, better myself, and educate myself.  Investing my time in doing things that are meaningful and purposeful is important to me.  Also, making sure that the things I choose to do, I do well.  “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”  This bucket list is probably going to be added to, amended and modified as the years go on, but for today... these are, in no particular order, 100 of my personal goals, dreams and aspirations for my remaining years on this beautiful planet!  
  1. Develop KMW as a successful initiative
  2. Have global exchanges for KMW in every continent
  3. Make a commercial(s) for KMW  
  4. Sky Dive
  5. Hear the Dalia Lama speak
  6. Do Yoga at least twice a week for a year, learn to do headstands
  7. Learn to drive a scooter
  8. Visit/ See important/ interesting places around the world
  9. Taj Mahal
  10. Great Pyramid of Giza
  11. Great Barrier Reef
  12. Great Wall of China
  13. Aurora Borialis
  14. Rio de Janeiro
  15. Paricutin volcano
  16. Victoria Falls
  17. The Grand Canyon
  18. Machu Picchu
  19. Colosseum
  20. Stonehenge
  21. Angel Falls
  22. Volunteer with Students on Ice go to Antarctica
  23. Volunteer with TED Talks/ TEDx event
  24. Volunteer with Playing for Change
  25. Constantly seek and participate in other volunteer opportunities
  26. Take the online technology in the classroom class offered by Jeff Utecht/ SUNY Univ.   
  27. Learn to play the hand drums
  28. Learn to play the piano
  29. Meet John Stewart
  30. Meet a president
  31. Develop a monthly spoken word event in Taichung
  32. Live in South America
  33. Have a family vacation somewhere outside of the US
  34. See Ben perform  
  35. Establish a relationship with Michael
  36. Establish a relationship with Christiana
  37. Find a compatible life companion
  38. Improve my Japanese
  39. Learn to speak conversational Chinese
  40. Learn to speak conversational Spanish
  41. Open a wall-less school
  42. Develop self-directed learning curriculum
  43. Finish children’s book series
  44. Publish children’s book series
  45. Own a 1970’s corvette stingray
  46. Learn the mechanics of a car
  47. Own a dog
  48. Go to a meditation retreat
  49. Gain confidence in speaking in public
  50. Present at an international conference(s)
  51. Adopt a child/ children … someday
  52. Own a local art/ craft shop/ restaurant on the beach
  53. Go to Australia
  54. Go to New Zealand
  55. Go to Bali
  56. Go to the Philippines
  57. Zip line across the jungle in Pakse Laos
  58. Learn to rock climb
  59. Go to each continent
  60. Learn the name, location, capital and political leader/ situation of every country
  61. See The Cat Empire live
  62. Go to Burning Man Festival
  63. Go to Carnival
  64. Go to a Full Moon Festival in Thailand
  65. Write self directed curriculum
  66. Get followers on Blog
  67. Develop podcast show... S.Y.S.
  68. Develop a Nonprofit Organization
  69. Learn to scuba dive
  70. Learn to sew
  71. Learn to drive a manual
  72. Stay in a hotel under water  
  73. Meet and interview amazing people in the world
  74. Write a regularly published newsletter about alternative education
  75. Host a party that brings people from all over the world together
  76. Make a photo globe/ Make HDR photo
  77. Improve my photography skills
  78. Travel for at least a year without a plan
  79. WOOF
  80. Hitchhike around Taiwan for at least a week
  81. Do a marathon
  82. Climb Jade Mountain in Taiwan
  83. Climb Mt. Fuji Japan
  84. Trekking in Pokhara Nepal
  85. Dance with a tribe in Africa
  86. Snowboard in Colorado
  87. Go to a World Cup game
  88. Brew my own beer
  89. Go to a political convention
  90. Go to a tiger sanctuary
  91. Go on a safari in Africa
  92. Participate in a Landmark Forum
  93. Go river tracing
  94. Kayak Nuchatlitz Marine Park BC
  95. Learn to Salsa
  96. Learn to ball room dance
  97. Build a cabin in the mountains  
  98. Drive across country in the USA (seperate bucket list for this)
  99. Take the Tran Siberian Railway
  100. Plant a garden

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Introduction of Purpose

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.  Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.  To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others use your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

Hello fellow great minded people!!!!  I'm excited to meet you, share with you, network with you, learn from you, discuss and challenge ideas with you!  I have NO IDEA where this blog is going to go, but I am excited to see how it progresses.  I am currently living and teaching first and second grade at an International School in Taiwan and I am LOVING it!!!  This country is absolutely amazing in so many ways.  I am so incredibly happy to be here.  Before I came here, I lived and worked in Aomori, Japan for three years teaching English in three junior high schools through the JET Program.  Also an incredibly amazing experience.  Eastern culture, mentality and lifestyles are 180 degrees different than in the west and I am incredibly fortunate to be able to experience both.  I have lived and learned in so many ways over the past 4 years!  Some of these tales will be shared in this blog.  My plan is to continue having these amazing life experiences as long as I live. 
At this point in my life, not too many people know me.. I'm not too big of a deal.  However, over the next few years I plan to do whatever I can to change that...not for fame, just for passion.  This is the first step... having a central location to share my life, write my thoughts, state my goals and accomplishments, network with like-minded amazing individuals and get critical feedback on various aspirations.  As I've mentioned I am an educator, and education IS MY PASSION.  There is nothing else on this planet that gets my fire going the way education does.  I can guarantee that A LARGE portion of this blog will be dedicated to discussions on this topic.  However, as passionately as I feel about education, I feel equally passionate about completely reconstructing the current paradigm of our education system.  My dream is to not create another reform.... another band-aid on a broken system... but to take what currently exists and smash it to smithereens!!!  This has become my life ambition.  I am ready, willing and able to literally search the world over to find, share and promote success stories of alternative methods of education that result in equally...if not more so... successful results.  I am creating this blog so that others can follow, support, share, teach, encourage, laugh at, criticize, critique, see, understand, and participate in the struggles, perils, successes and accomplishments I am about to pursue.  Please feel free to offer your feedback, ideas, even criticism.... if something is not challenged, how can it grow?...on my posts.  I am always open to listening to new perspectives, new ideas, new approaches... especially from people who are passionate and knowledgeable about what they are pursuing in life.  I am excited to see where this blog goes, the people it will meet, the discussions it will have, the lessons it will teach  and the adventures it will share!